KN CEO Reveals Her Top 2 Takeaways From Year 2

Year one of KN was probably what year one looks like for most businesses....a whirlwind. A lot of messy action, taking risks (sometimes for the first time) and figuring it out one day at a time, but as we moved into year two, we were not only more established, but also ready to make some BIG moves....and we did!

Reflecting, as KN turns 2, I can't believe how much we accomplished in twelve short months. We hit some amazing milestones:


    • Hired a team.  
    • Welcomed an investor.
    • Had our biggest sales month on record.
    • Started speaking at events. (Sharing the stage with AMAZING know who you are!)
    • Moved out of the garage and into an office. (The Klassy Kastle, that is!)
    • Launched our Facebook Community…Join here.
    • Made some BIG mistakes. 


    • Surpassed $1,000,000 in revenue.

Each milestone was important in its own way. Through it all, we opened doors, we closed doors, and well, we even propped a few windows open, too. We rode this year's entrepreneurial roller coaster with our hands in the air and our eyes wide open.

A few big tummy jarring drops, and some messy hair later, here we are, ready to move into year three!

It was actually during the planning and sneak peeks of our “KN turns 2” photoshoot that I really started thinking about what I could share about what we learned, and what I definitely want to carry into year three. I came up with two main takeaways...

(Aside from the decision that I will always mark our years in this way, take time to reflect, celebrate, and embrace every milestone along the way.)

Because, it’s easy to skip this part, and just keep grinding.

My 2 Takeaways From Year 2:

#1 Trust Your Gut

This may sound a little cliché, but it is 100% true! You won’t always be right about all things, but when things don’t feel right, the quicker you do a “gut check” and intervene, the better. Some of our biggest mistakes of year 2 came from taking advice I knew I didn’t agree with and not speaking up soon enough.

When you’re new to any industry, you look to experts, or people that have gone before you to help you make the decisions you’ve NEVER made before. This is encouraged and can lead to tons of success, but that doesn’t mean you should push aside your concerns and let others speak louder than your own gut.

You have to not only find your voice, but use it. It's ok to question and compromise, even when others seem "certain" of the path you should take.

✔️ Lesson learned (and grateful for it)!

#2 Build a Community

As one year turned into two, the milestones just kept coming. Along with them, a lot of experience and knowledge. As a result, I spent this year speaking at incredible events and sharing my journey with others.

The feedback I received confirmed what I had wanted to do with Klassy Network from day one….use our brand to build a community! There’s strength in community and value for others in your wins and losses. I have always felt that bringing like-minded people together is a powerful way to provide impact, and an online community can do this with very few limitations.

So, when 2020 suddenly became synonymous with “stay home” and “work from home”, we knew it was the perfect time to start our Facebook Group, Klassy Network The Community. People were displaced and disconnected, and we knew we could build something to bring people together. We now use the community as a place to share business tips, give our members exclusive BTS of our brand, and post our Klassy Konfessions (uncensored).

We know that the benefits of being involved in community, especially at a time like this, is invaluable for our members and our Klassy Team. It builds accountability, it helps us all feel part of something, it keeps us thinking and problem-solving as the "new normal" in business and society is established. Support and surprises! Interested? Join us (and yes, men are welcome)!

Note from KN Co-founder, my business partner, and fiancé, Jacob.

I asked Jacob if he wanted me to include anything else in my takeaways. He agreed with my two, and added one more. Something he's passionate about getting across to new Inventory management is key. Too much - your cash is sitting in your warehouse. Too little - your customer is buying somewhere else.

It's a balancing act, and when you don't have years of data to draw from, it's also a risk (that has to be taken). We've learned so much from year 2 in this area.

Which actually brings me to our BEST BIRTHDAY announcement EVER....NEW STYLES are here!

After getting through our inventory for year 2, we're moving into year 3 with NEW STYLES and a new vision for the future! (Check them out here and below)

Overall, there isn’t one milestone, or one mistake from this year that's more important than any of the others. Each carried us, and our team, through new challenges and successes in their own way. My takeaways were determined by what I needed to remember most.....  

So...year 3, I'm we come!


Natalie & Jacob, Founders of Klassy Network

Happy Birthday KN!

Frames pictured above: FOCUS



Keep your eyes open. Opportunity is all around you. Available in Frost and Black too!


Optimistic isn't just looking at the bright side of things, it is the ONLY way to approach life and business.

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